About Event

Modulated Neuroimmune Pathology for Transformative Therapeutics in Neuroscience

With groundbreaking BTKi and TREM2 readouts reshaping AD and MS treatment landscapes, alongside a surge of R&D innovation—from astrocyte modulation, cGAS-STING pathway exploration to JAK-STAT immunomodulation, peripheral immune targets, inflammasome targeting, complement inhibitors and GLP-1R, the neuroinflammation field surged with investment and renewed energy.

Bringing together a niche community of 100+ biotech and pharma lab heads, directors, and VPs from discovery research, translational and clinical development, search and evaluation, and alliance management, all working across diverse pipelines, disease areas, and targets, the 7th Neuroimmunology Drug Development Summit was the premier opportunity to learn, refine expertise, and collaborate with peers to drive the next wave of transformative therapeutics in neuroscience.

Back Translated Clinical Insights to Early Neuroinflammatory R&D with More Predictive & Prognostic Biomarkers, 3D Cocultures, and Novel Targets

Heard the latest BTKi efficacy and safety data on reducing disability accumulation in Multiple Sclerosis, including Sanofi’s Tolebrutinib, NovartisRemibrutinib, Biogen’s BIIB091 and Roche’s Fenebrutinib. Also explored the latest TREM2 readouts with Novartis’ ATV:TREM2 and the Vigil Neuroscience TREM2 clinical programs examine the future role of anti-inflammatory agents in the neurodegeneration landscape.

Refined biomarker and clinical endpoint strategies by examining established and exploratory markers of neuroimmunology disease progression—including NFL, GFAP, NFH, YKL-40, and oligoclonal bands—for more confident translation of candidates through clinical development alongside experts from PTC Bio, Alzheimers Drug Discovery Foundation, Takeda, EMD Serono and Neurocrin

Explored preclinical and clinical programs featuring novel targets and mechanisms to address the full spectrum of neuroinflammatory pathology, including the cGAS pathway with Ventus Therapeutics, brain delivery tech with Alector, JAK-STAT immunomodulation with Atalanta VA Medical Center, ImmunoBrain’s
immune checkpoint inhibition, peripheral-targeted agents with Takeda, EMD Serono and Discoveric Bio, inflammasome targeting with Sanofi, Inflammasome Therapeutics and University of Miami School of Medicine and cell therapies with Abata Therapeutics

Perfected 3D co-cultures and in vivo models to better replicate disease pathology and neuroinflammatory crosstalk with Sanofi, Biogen, Roche, Alchemab Therapeutics, Roche, National Institute of Aging (NIA), while refining multiomic driven discovery and drug development workflows alongside Eisai, Merck, Takeda, EMD Serono, Neurocrine Biosciences, Muna Therapeutics, Cognition Therapeutics, and University of Cincinnati

Who Did You Meet?

The 7th Neuroimmunology Drug Development Summit meeting united 100+ key pharma and biotech leaders across translational medicine, clinical development, biomarker and target discovery, omics computational science, medical affairs, and regulatory affairs.

From C-Level executives to clinical research scientists,

leading industry figures came together this February to explore the latest unpublished data, engage in heated panel discussions, and participate in exclusive deep-dive workshops unavailable anywhere else.

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What Your Neuroimmunology Peers Had to Say

“Well organized event, right size with the right experts in the neuroimmunology field. The interactive sessions and round table discussions were very helpful.”

Senior Principal Scientist, Novartis

“The event was well organised. I liked the workshops (the presenters made them very interactive) and the talks had a nice balance of novel ideas and drug discovery results.”

Vice President, Biology, NRG Therapeutics

“All the talks were of high quality and it was a great opportunity to get a quite exhaustive overview of where the field stands. Because of the small size and the specific topic of the conference, I particularly appreciated how easy it was to network.”

Principal Investigator, Calibr-Skaggs Institute for Innovative Medicines

“This Neuroimmunology meeting allowed open discussions on different types of in vitro and in vivo neuroinflammation assays between pharma and biotech organizations. Additionally, new projects were presented, including preclinical and clinical updates.”

Chief Scientific Officer, Discoveric Bio

“Presentations were well done. Setting was intimate enough to allow good discussion. Liked the panel topics and group exercise.”

Executive Director & Head of Development, Neurology & Program for Opthalmology Lead, Apellis Pharma

“What made the experience enjoyable was the ability to connect with like minded individuals and share and express common interests in the area of neuroimmunology and glial biology. What stood out were the amazing talks.”

Molecular, Cell Biology & Research Scientist, Vertex Pharmaceuticals